WHO ARE WE?The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives. We are an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Today our membership includes in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic churches. Several parishes in our diocese sponsor chapters.
Our Chapter was organized by Mrs. Mildred Murray with the encouragement and support of Sally
Brennison, who at that time was the DOK Chapter President at ALL Saint’s in Cayce, South Carolina. The St. Luke’s chapter was organized on July 2, 1995, with fourteen members. Today, we have eleven (11) active members. Mrs. Murray served as President Emeritus until her death. Daughters are encouraged to attend regular scheduled meetings via Zoom and In-Person each month, as well as attending local DOK, Diocese Assembly and DOK, Retreats that help to strengthen our spiritual life. Presently, our Chapter have rebounded from the Global Pandemic, and we have currently, renamed The Order of the Daughters of the King, Mildred S. Murray Chapter, November 2022.
What We Do?Engaged and involved Daughters through a Rule of Life beginning with Prayer,
outreach through Service and Evangelism: Outreach Ministries: Fresh Start, Sister Care, Rapid
Shelter, Daybreak- Mothers in Crisis, Hannah House, via Donations. Continually, to Host Fellowship, Quiet Day, Thanksgiving Dinner for our 4th Saturday Feeding Ministry, and Daily offering up to God Intercessory prayers for our Church, our Priest, our Daughters, State, Nation, and the World.